The DreamWorks trolls return in 2020. After a successful first installment directed by Mike Mitchell and Walt Dohrn, now comes a new adventure in which the second repeats at the controls but now with David P. Smith, Trolls: World Tour. Thus the fans of the animation will enjoy this expected musical history in less than a year.
This week the study presented the first trailer in which they explain a little more about this peculiar story. If in the first film pop music was the protagonist, now we will discover with Poppy and company the history of this world, specifically that of the gods that gave each of the trolls kingdoms a rope that allows allowing the birth of different musical styles: pop, funk, classical, techno, country and rock.
From rock they have decided that the only genre that must remain alive is theirs, so they want to get the rest of the strings and thus dominate them all and only listen to their style. For this, our heroes must unite all the trolls as if they were one traveling this way throughout their world.
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